Time suspended itself by yielding to a forbidden wedding. Moon drew water from dark clouds to quench her thirst. Sun so burnt the edges of her heart, they no longer existed as Sun and Moon or anything the galaxies had ever before witnessed. As they lay under heaven’s canopy, she whispered in his ear, “Close your eyes, I’ve a treat for you.” She placed one snow cone within the innermost core of his heart to quench his desire during the midday heat. He was much pleased with such a remembrance, and replied,“Now close your eyes, I’ve a wedding gift for you too.” After a few moments, he said, “Open them,” for he had carved a blood red talisman upon her heart, the inside of which slow-burned the fire of his longing. She smiled at his thoughtfulness. Throughout this night, changeling stars gave birth to fill the unspeakable void when once again, Sun would vanish into dawn.
© 2020 Jennifer Brookins