this morning I found myself braided into your snowy white beard; wonderful to be so inconspicuous. The chill of winter months makes me wonder if spring will ever announce her arrival. Should you confide, “It’s already here,” I’ll whisper in your ear, “Beloved Nomad Ji, you created dawn in your spare time.
One reviewer says, “Jennifer Brookins poems are written in exquisite, lyrical free verse. I can do no better than to quote from Living Under the Weaver’s Hut, ‘Again and again I turn my face to you. Your darshan weaves feelings in me that moves my heart to prayer.’ If you read mystic poetry, i.e Rumi, Hafiz, you will love this book.” – Stan Raatz, Ph.D., computer scientist, private equity investor, part-time poet.
Very much in the tradition of Eastern mystic devotional poetry, i.e. that of Rumi, Attar, and others, the book Living Under the Weaver’s Hut contains the author’s songs of spiritual love and longing for her Master, guide, adept, holy person, or in the author’s term, “weaver.” I recently read that Rumi (in translation) is the best selling poet in America, a testament to our universal longing for meaning in today’s frenetic world. These poems, in exquisite and lyric free verse, are one person’s such songs. She makes no claims, offers no doctrine, does not expect the reader to conclude anything other than the poems are written in love to the Weaver. The word “darshan” refers to when a disciple receives the vision of sight of her Master’s glance. I can do no better than to quote from the book, “… again and again I turn my face to you / your darshan weavers feelings in me / that moves my heart / to prayer.” If you read mystic devotional poetry, you will love this book.
Amazon Reviewer: Stanophocles
New Release, Living Under the Weaver’s Hut
One reviewer says, “Jennifer Brookins poems are written in exquisite, lyrical free verse. I can do no better than to quote from Living Under the Weaver’s Hut, ‘Again and again I turn my face to you. Your darshan weaves feelings in me that moves my heart to prayer.’ If you read mystic poetry, i.e Rumi, Hafiz, you will love this book.” – Dr. Stan Raatz, computer scientist, private equity investor, part-time poet.
Lyrical and deeply moving. These poems speak of the soul’s journey back to its Source. Love, longing, loneliness, joy. These are things we all share throughout our journeys through this life and beyond. Reviewer: Virginia Byham